Recovery Stories: Coping with Covid-19 - October
My recovery story in coping with Covid-19 is unique in a lot of ways. I started reading about coronavirus (Covid-19) in December 2019. I was watching the news one night and they reported in China people were coming down with a mysterious illness and a lot of people were dying and I remember saying to myself that I live in Columbus, Ohio and that could never reach that far, oh was I wrong! I started getting prepared early with Personal Protective Equipment when it was available. I said to myself if I am going to be isolated I will make sure I am comfortable and have everything I need. My job, family and friends have all been supporting me throughout all of this. I have also have gotten in touch with my inner self and learned and practiced different coping skills. I have come to realize that kindness and assisting others in the time of need really helped me mentally.
I have really started practicing a lot of self care by setting boundaries when needed and I have also taken up sewing which I have come to enjoy, it is very relaxing to me. Also, cooking has been a great tool of mine and I love it. I have had a regular routine in the morning – my coffee and etc. and taking walks to look at all the pretty flowers. I try to always keep a positive attitude and don’t always think the worst. I have found that a positive attitude and kindness goes a long way during these troubling times. My job has become very rewarding and enjoyable during Covid-19. So I feel I am blessed and that really is good for me mentally.
Kay F.
Peer Support Specialist
The P.E.E.R. Center